Tomo Milicevic Quotes (4 Quotes)

    But we were terrified to play those songs live. We're a real balls-to-the-wall, rip-your-face-off kind of band, and for us to slow it down, there's a natural reaction to wonder 'What if nobody wants to hear those songs' What if we start playing those songs and our fans are freaking out

    He really wanted to buy an electric guitar. But they're expensive, so he said, 'Hey, let's make one.' We went and bought all of these tools and books, and the next thing you know, we're building an electric guitar. Fifteen hundred dollars later twice the cost of any good electric we had it.

    For Jared, making music is very personal and cerebral so for him to open up and share the experience is difficult.

    It's never a second thought. Every single band has something they have to prove to the media and the people. We are very committed to winning. All we want is to have our shot.

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