Tony Fratto Quotes (23 Quotes)

    Obviously, if there are severe price spikes and severe shortages, we would want to take a look at whether a government response

    The company since its initial filing back in December has come forward with new assurances and changes to the transaction involving the treatment of the six U.S. ports.

    The deal to provide 100 percent debt cancellation is in jeopardy,

    The World Bank's analysis seems to give greater credence to the ability of a Niger to pay back its unsustainable debt than it does for the G-8 countries to meet their commitments.

    It will be a good look at Iraq 's economy and the economic reforms they are putting in place, and how they are getting in position to complete the debt deal and IMF financing.

    The government has the authority to adjust the tariffs in an emergency situation, but no determination has been made yet.

    It's really the week this must be done because the Congress will be out of session at the end of this week.

    China has made a reform to its exchange rate mechanism that was an important step. We still want to see greater currency flexibility in the region.

    We need our nominees in place here. Some of the most important issues facing the government today are coming through the Treasury Department.

    We want to be very careful about sending any signal that we aren't open to investment.

    Each case is different. Each has its own unique factors, entirely based on the merits of the company's case. If people have outstanding objections, it would go to the investigation stage.

    Secretary Snow will be personally engaged on working with Congress. He's been a strong voice on this for some time.

    There is no higher priority for the members of this committee than protect the security of the United States.

    It is intended to try to deal with moderating rapid growth using a market instrument, so from that perspective it's positive.

    The administration's policy on the dollar is unchanged. A strong dollar is in the national interest. Currency values should be set in open, competitive markets.

    The results in this administration point to nearly 5 million new jobs created since the President's Jobs and Growth bill passed the Congress in 2003, the unemployment rate at 4.7 percent -- lower than the average of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, rapid economic growth, historically low interest rates, and low inflation.

    No one wants to see these kinds of international tensions over these issues.

    We're always willing to talk about how to make reports like this as useful as possible.

    We think it's time to have someone permanently based in Beijing.

    The ministers are continuing to discuss the proposal this morning. We hope to achieve an agreement among the full G-8 ministers but we have not achieved that yet.

    It is a fresh look because there are new factors to consider in terms of the way the company has adjusted the transaction and the assurances they've made in terms of how port operations will be treated.

    Our view goes further than that. We'd be happy if it was delayed forever. We don't believe...using large tariffs as a tool on this issue is effective and we believe it could do more harm than good.

    Undersecretary Adams is on point on this issue, and the question of the role of the economies in Asia in the global adjustment process is foremost in his mind.

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