Travis LaTendresse Quotes (5 Quotes)

    It's an amazing feeling to be able to do this in front of your family and friends. The last couple years with the Emerald Bowl, I thought it would be cool to play here.

    I want to tell you, last week was camp. We were going 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

    I don't think the ACC has seen a passing attack like the ones in the Mountain West. We came out with a chip on our shoulders.

    It was a great personal achievement for me, but I'm glad that we got the win. It will hopefully give this program some momentum heading into next year.

    They quit on themselves. Slowly but surely, they gave up. That first quarter, they had a lot of fight, and they were talking. But slowly their talk diminished, and their heads went down. That's what you have to do make them quit.

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