Vernon Davis Quotes (11 Quotes)

    I feel good about being labeled the new breed of tight end. That's what it is, when you got a guy who can do more than catch the ball, to get extra yardage after catching the ball and make guys miss.

    They all speak highly of me. They all say they would love to have me, but you never know.

    Antonio Gates is a good player. He's someone I have watched throughout my college career and I like the way he plays. But there are some things when I look at the guy, he does a little better than myself. And (there are) things I do better than him as far as speed, things like that.

    They all tell me theyd love to have me. I feel good about being labeled the new breed of tight end.

    They had a nice bond. It went beyond just trying to get me to go to school there. When I told Ron Prince Virginia's offensive coordinator I wasn't interested, he was crying. They were really hurt.

    I sit back and watch guys like Heath Miller coming in as a rookie and doing things like he has done, going to the Super Bowl and making plays. That is something to be proud about, a guy who played in the same conference as you. I know I can do it because I have a good work ethic.

    My coach, he tried to find different ways to get me the ball options, coming up with creative plays. But they were normally the seven routes, the post corners and the digs, and when you got a tight end who can make moves like a wide receiver when there is a linebacker on you, that's kind of a mismatch.

    You've got a tight end who can make moves like a wide receiver. When there's a linebacker on you, that's kind of a mismatch. That pretty much speaks for itself.

    I knew if I had a good season I'd probably think about leaving. There wasn't anything holding me back, but I knew if they told me I'd get a first-round grade I was going to leave.

    He tried to find different ways to get me the ball. He was always coming up with creative plays. When you've got a tight end who can make moves like a wide receiver, where there's a linebacker on you, that's a mismatch.

    I figured if I could beat this guy, and he's the 12th overall pick, then I had a good shot. I was ready to turn pro right then and there.

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