Wade Redden Quotes (10 Quotes)

    The Olympics get more attention and there's more excitement I think. The (World Cup) doesn't have quite the same feel this does.

    I don't think you can replace a guy like Daniel Alfredsson. He does so much for this team and he is having such an awesome year. He's doing it all for us Killing penalties and scoring big goals. I don't think it's up to just one guy to step up when he's gone. Everybody has to get the job done.

    It's probably a game they'd want back. Coming in Boxing Day morning, it's not ideal. For sure we jumped on them. There must've been two or three times where we outworked them and the puck ended up in their net.

    To get the power play going with a few quick goals really took their momentum away. That was the difference. I don't think it was anything fancy, just getting the puck on net.

    There's definitely a lot of guys at home who could be on this team, too. At other tournaments, guys have filled in and got the job done. Look at the leadership and how we always seem to gel. That's one of the strengths we have, too.

    I thought we battled pretty hard, ... Even though they tied it early in the third, we kept coming and got the win.

    I've never been in a hurricane, and I hope I'm not in one this time,

    Whenever something needs to be done, it seems like he's the guy who's out there, leading the way. He's definitely a candidate.

    Obviously, there are some important things going on with me. But it was the right time to come back.

    I've got my new Blackberry so I was on NHL.com keeping updated on scores whenever I couldn't watch the team.

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