Walter Maestri Quotes (9 Quotes)

    Sewage can lead to another disaster, which is disease.

    We're six months from the next hurricane season. There is no way known to man, with all of our technology, that we can deal with all of this. And I don't know that any of us can tell people that they should come back and experience this again.

    We always were afraid the bowl that is New Orleans would fill quickly. Now with the water rising today, it appears to be filling slowly.

    We're watching closely to make sure the vulnerable areas are OK.

    The homes that were standing here are completely gone. They have been washed away. As far as real protection is concerned for the community, I just don't see it.

    We really felt all along that the Corps was a group that we could absolutely trust. They wouldn't do sloppy work, or allow sloppy work. They realized that this community basically lives and dies on the strength of those levees. Now, what's happened -- it's like finding out that your mother lied to you all the years of your life.

    Any significant water that comes into this city is a dangerous threat. Even though I have to plan for it, I don't even want to think about the loss of life a huge hurricane would cause.

    He feels the parish has come back enough. That was his commitment that he could bring more and more people in as the infrastructure would admit.

    This is what we've been saying has been going to happen for years.

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