Warren Burger Quotes (6 Quotes)

    It is not possible to arrange for any broadcast of any Supreme Court proceeding, but when you get the Cabinet meetings on the air, call me.

    Respondent's expectation that his garden was protected from observation is unreasonable and is not an expectation that society is prepared to honor.

    Guilt or innocence becomes irrelevant in the criminal trials as we flounder in a morass of artificial rules poorly conceived and often impossible to apply.

    There may be some incorrigible human beings who cannot be changed except by God's own mercy to that one person.

    Doctors still retain a high degree of public confidence because they are perceived as healers. Should lawyers not be healers Healers, not warriors Healers, not procurers Healers, not hired guns

    The president's need for complete candor and objectivity from advisers calls for great deference from the courts.

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