Will Ohman Quotes (5 Quotes)

    He leaned out over the plate and yanked it over first base. It's an OK pitch selection, an OK pitch location, and I had no reservations about throwing it. I pitched to the scouting report and pitched to my strength. But what beat us was the walk, not the hit.

    I do my workouts in the morning, throw, and do my lifting, and go to yoga, and then come back and give Allyson a break and now she can do some things. I have no problem with changing diapers. I have a sister who's 13 years younger. I've done it all before. It's no sweat.

    You can train as hard as you want to, and your spike catches in the ground and all of a sudden you have a hamstring or groin pull. You can't measure when injuries will happen. You do your best to try to prevent it.

    It wasn't the hit, it was the walk. You can't be walking guys like that with two outs in the ninth.

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