William Cooper Quotes (10 Quotes)

    The entire process is pretty well geared to trying to get the people to comply without making them pay fines on top of it.

    Obviously, we're watching that closely, ... But you have to remember, once the ticket is written, the motorist has to go to court or pay the fine right away, so it takes a little while to move through the system. We are very hopeful that the revenue will go up.

    In the early '80s, when natural gas traded below 2 (per thousand cubic feet), it was a big negative to import liquefied natural gas. But at the prices we've seen, everyone is paying attention.

    maybe eight, 10 times, again and again, then on the street, dumpster diving, living somehow.

    Microsoft has designed a client-server system to run on the infrastructure of numerous vendors. This is something that the company has mastered in the PC world.

    Microsoft's IPTV software platform works I've seen it and I'm impressed. But it's one thing to show the service using a single client and a single server at a trade show and quite another to deploy the service in a large, live network where lots can go wrong.

    The real tragedy of today's decision is that it significantly diminishes the breathing space that is imperative for a vigorous and competent press,

    I praise the Frenchman, his remark was shrewd 'How sweet, how passing sweet is solitude.' But grant me still a friend in my retreat, To whom I may whisper'Solitude is sweet.'

    We want people to be aware that we're taking action on it, ... The most important thing right now is to find out the route along which the methane is migrating.

    The (Department of Environmental Quality) was present at the readings, ... Now what we need to do is to put together a plan for remediation, probably within the next 30 to 45 days.

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