Willie McGinest Quotes (26 Quotes)

    We've been stopping the run, allowing us to make games more one-dimensional.

    We've been on the road that's part of the game. Got to play well wherever you're at. Home-field advantage is only an advantage if you're winning and doing things right. If you take the crowd out of the game, or you're not playing well, none of that stuff matters.

    It's a great accomplishment. We're not downplaying it, but they are not passing out any trophies tonight. We've got a long way to go.

    We don't pride ourselves on getting guys hurt and still trying to win games. We need everybody we can (get). We just play hard and guys that are coming in have to just step up.

    We had a good time. In the company of guys like Bruce Smith and Reggie White, it's definitely a compliment. I'm just humbled to be in the same category with those guys.

    We need to be more consistent on defense. We're still giving up too many big plays.

    Vick is different than every other quarterback we've faced. Vick is one guy and of course, you've got to contain him, but they've got a lot of other good players on that team. We're not going to game-plan for one guy.

    We are trying to get ourselves ready for our game plan and stop the run. If we can't do that, nothing else really matters.

    I'm not bitter at all. I'm not upset with the Patriots. I've been to Pro Bowls. I've won Super Bowls. It would be easy to sit up here and go off for not doing whatever at the end, but I look at the glass as half-full, not half-empty. I got to build my name in a great community and play with a lot of great players and coaches.

    I have a lot (left). I don't measure by years. I take it day by day.

    Sometimes you go against guys who are bigger than you or over-mass your size, but it really doesn't matter. It is just how you play the game. We are not preparing for size. We are preparing for what they do.

    We're not really worried about playoffs and the Super Bowl and that type of stuff. What we were doing the first half of the season is kind of uncharacteristic of us, and you got to credit the coaching staff and the guys for getting back on track for what we've been doing in the past.

    This is a chance for us to save our community and to get our kids back.

    I feel so bad because he's one of the hardest working guys on the team. He puts everything into this game. He plays it with passion.

    This is a team that reacts very well to pressure. Of course there is pressure for the playoffs. So we have to have more pressure on ourselves to go out and perform well so we can get another weekend.

    Voices don't win games playmakers do. If I want to make a statement, then this Sunday we'll be out there, all the guys that need to make statements will be out there making their statements against one of the best teams in the league. That's what we'll try to do. That's how we'll make our statement.

    We don't make excuses for our losses. We play fair and square. They outplayed us. We are not going to say we were banged up or we didn't have everybody. We went out there and faced them like men and they beat us.

    I didn't want to go to a team to sign a contract and get some money. I wanted to be a part of a family. They made me feel like family. They made me feel needed, like I could come in and help them.

    One of our soldiers went down. Our hearts skipped a beat, but we had to keep playing. The thing he wanted us to do was to keep playing. You can't fold the tent. And that's what we did. It was tough, with (Matt Light) too. But you just keep playing. We've been through the injury thing before with a lot of key guys out. Other guys just come in and have to do the job.

    We've been on the road before. We didn't have all our playoff games at home in two of the years we won the Super Bowl. We've had to play in hostile environments before.

    Eric is aggressive. He likes to win. He likes to get after people. He understands football. He's been in a lot of great systems. He's been with Bill. He's done his dirty work, he's done his time.

    We don't accept it. This is unacceptable, how we played. This is totally unacceptable by everybody, including myself. Everybody has to look in the mirror and start playing better. We're not going to accept playing like this. There's no ifs, ands or buts about it.

    We're going to be aggressive and go at people and hit people.

    You can't win 'em all. It's not going to stop us from doing what we normally do, fighting hard in the off-season, getting guys back to the way we used to be and make another run.

    We don't really care about what's happened the past couple years. I think we're just concentrating on what's going on now. It's an advantage against everybody else. They can think what they want to think, they can worry about that, and if they have that perception of us, great. They line up against us, we got them thinking like that, then they'll see a different team.

    We're happy for him. We want for him to make those plays and come to the sideline with a smile.

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