Willie Mullins Quotes (7 Quotes)

    He won well last year so it's come as no surprise to see what he has to do this time, but it's a big task.

    It was a great run. For a long time as they came up the straight, I thought he might do it. The rain wasn't a help but we take what we get.

    I'm hoping we'll be a bit closer this time. We'll decide whether to go for the Gold Cup afterwards.

    We haven't made a decision yet but we will probably do so at the weekend.

    We ended up making the running but he jumped great and stayed on again once he got his second wind.

    David said something jumped across him at the second, and that frightened the life out of him. He took a bit of time to get his confidence back after that, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise because that way he didn't get into the race too soon.

    He is in very good form but he is a very short price for a horse who has to carry all of that weight.

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