Willie Schlepp Quotes (9 Quotes)

    We have to improve taking care of the basketball and preventing those mental mistakes out front against zone or man defense.

    We've started taking care of the ball in the last couple weeks. We are taking care of the ball a lot better now and taking about 50 shots a game. That number is way up from our earlier games. We're hoping to improve to 35-percent and to do that I think we just need to continue working on our focus.

    Big Sky did a good job of mixing things up in the third quarter. (They switched) from man and zone press to a half court trap just to get us out of rhythm.

    We're still playing hard. We're going to get one (a victory). We want to be playing our best team basketball down the stretch, and we're getting there.

    We've been moving some guys around so we don't get beat off the dribble. We're getting better and just trying to take baby steps.

    He's a tough guy to contain. We did a good job the first half of fronting him and denying him the ball, but we got tired in the second half and he does a great job of sealing off guys and our backside help was little slow getting there.

    We're just looking to improve every day and by the end of the season be playing our best team basketball.

    That's a sign of a championship team to hit free throws in the clutch. That wins games, and that was the big key.

    The first three minutes of the second half was key, because they picked up a couple of turnovers and got their confidence back. That was the momentum shifter right there.

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