Woody Robinson Quotes (5 Quotes)

    I thought we didn't play well early. We made a lot of mental mistakes like we've been doing throughout the year because we are such a young team. We keep hoping that we are going to learn from those mistakes. (Sunday) we were able to overcome those mistakes. We kept fighting and there's no quit in these guys.

    We're starting to see our younger kids growing up and come together. We played very good defense except for that fourth inning and you just can't afford to make mistakes against a good team like East Carter.

    We started being patient and we hit the ball and did the things that we had to do to score runs. This is one of those games that you hope to learn from.

    (Burnett) did a good job of keeping us in the game. He didn't walk too many. He got in trouble a couple of times, but we were able to bail him out.

    Again, we are still adjusting to the speed of the game. Sometimes we look like we're in slow motion. Defensively, we still aren't pleased with where we are, but we're getting there. It's just going to take time with these young kids.

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