Woody Williams Quotes (21 Quotes)

    That was the best defensive game that I pitched in when wearing this uniform. I don't see how you can play better defense than we did.

    If they need to trade me, they need to trade me. If they can better themselves by trading any one of us, they should do it. It's not going to hurt my feelings. To be traded, somebody has to want you or be willing to take you.

    I felt pretty good, kind of a strange night. Being wild like that didn't give them any time to lock in on me. Usually five walks in six innings is a problem for me, but I was able to get out of jams. I would have rather given up a hit than all those walks.

    It's a blessing, ... I'm looking forward to not having a winter where I'm trying to figure where I'm going to be. I'm excited that I will be here unless they trade me. We've got a lot of pieces in place.

    I just think things should work in our favor as far as the home-field advantage tomorrow,

    I'm sure it was a relief for my teammates and management,

    You can look at chemistry any way you want. The bottom line is about the team playing together on the field. It's nice if everybody gets along, but . . .

    You don't ever know if you're going to get another chance to pitch in the playoffs, ... So you don't take anything for granted. It's what it's all about. It's the reason you play -- not for the paycheck, but to represent your organization and be one of the top teams in baseball.

    He stayed in tune and had a good thought process out there, and his defense was very good.

    I know that we're better than what we showed. We faced a lot of adversity and we were able to come back. Unfortunately, we didn't show ourselves too well in this series.

    It's survival of the fittest. You can only put up with so much. I'm experiencing the worst year of my career. Am I gonna give up No. Things have to turn around. It can't get any worse.

    I felt like I never could make a pitch to stop a big inning, where in the past I was able to do that. It just seemed like nothing went right.

    You cannot throw the same pitch in the same location twice to him. I don't care how bad he looks one time, if you try to do it again, shame on you.

    I like pressure, ... I can't say there's anything different that I do. You just know the importance of the games now. It's getting easier to concentrate.

    One start shouldn't make someone feel differently about the way they go about their business. I felt I threw the ball pretty good. It was one of those things where it's out of my control.

    Bases loaded, no outs, with the 4-5-6 hitters coming up, it was good to get through that with only one run, ... I was sick and tired of things not working out. I was consistent, able to hit my spots.

    It's frustrating that you give up a touchdown in the first inning, but what can you do You can't read too much into it.

    There's no point in dwelling on all that. I'm way better now than at this time last year. I didn't do as much heavy lifting, more stretching and cardio. I know I'm going to go through a lull when I don't feel good -- it happens to every pitcher -- but right now I feel good.

    I'd rather go hunting with Dick Cheney than go riding with Ted Kennedy

    My whole feeling is that I feel like I let the whole organization down. I gave it everything I had, but they brought me over here to do something and I had the worst year of my career.

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