Zack Nixon Quotes (8 Quotes)

    We know we are in for some tough competition. But, today we showed that if we play our A'-game, we can compete with anybody.

    I'm really impressed with our depth. Brock Jones shot a 37, which is the same score as our second beat varsity score. It's just exciting to me. We have a bunch of good golfers. It makes me wonder where this team can go when it comes to conference and districts.

    I'm constantly impressed with how many talented golfers there are on this team. Brandon shot a 34, and he was even at 2-under at one point. I'm pleased with how we are playing and our work ethic.

    This is the second medal in a row for Joe, and both Tanner and Dallas were close last time. They are really playing solid golf and posting good numbers for us. I'm proud of them.

    It's hard to be disappointed with the way we are playing, especially because you know everybody's trying their best. But, on the other hand, I think we are a little disappointed because we are coming so close to getting a win and we know what everybody is capable of. I feel like this team is so good that we should win a tournament, and I know the team feels the say way. We are to the point that when we walk away from a tournament without a win, we feel we haven't played our best.

    Joe and Chris' score was nothing to scoff at either. Joe hits it out there long and Chris has an amazing short game. They really played well. The course was playing long today. Nobody was getting any roll.

    There is a high level of competition in this area. If we really want to do well, we are still going to have to come together as a team. We are going to need everybody to shoot well.

    It was a good feeling all day. Everybody was having fun. Everybody was relaxed, and that helped us play our best.

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