Zeev Boim Quotes (11 Quotes)

    Those who think that after the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, there will be withdrawal number two or number three are mistaken about this government.

    We are tightening the screw . . . by creating these areas, in the hope that they (the Palestinians) will get the message and that this will stop the rocket squads. If we must, we will have to tighten the screw further.

    The government has decided to transfer 200 million shekels to the Palestinian government.

    In the worst scenario, I believe such an operation of the magnitude of Operation Defensive Shield would last 10 days to two weeks, time to strike a massive blow in order to finish with terrorism.

    I do not think that in this situation we can transfer the towns to the Palestinians. They are not exerting any control.

    These conditions are clear and these are their obligations from the first stage of the road map.

    I think that the conclusion is that we have a great problem with our culture of speech and culture of listening,

    The decision of the government to approve an additional 3000 housing units is a clear statement that this is the policy of strengthening the settlement blocs,

    The government's decision to build 3,000 additional housing units in Ariel is an expression of our desire to strengthen the settlement blocs.

    While on one hand we are carrying a disengagement (from the Gaza Strip), we have to strengthen our hold on (West Bank) settlement blocs,

    According to our intelligence -- and we have very good intelligence -- this last horrible, thorough attack in Tel Aviv came directly from the headquarters of Islamic Jihad in Damascus.

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