Dick Cheney Quotes (333 Quotes)

    I've been uniquely blessed to have nearly 60 wonderful years of a fascinating life. I look forward to several more years.

    stands strongly for the Second Amendment, and we will defend the individual right of every American to bear arms audience cheers. We believe that our nation is 'one nation under God' wild applause here. And we believe that Americans ought to be able to say 'under God' when they pledge allegiance to the flag.

    I think the record speaks for itself. These are two individuals who have been for the war when the headlines were good and against it when their poll ratings were bad.

    We have to make sure we all have the facts before undertaking any comment on the war on terror,

    We now know that Saddam Hussein has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons.

    Those who advocate a sudden withdrawal from Iraq should answer a few simple questions,

    We can move fairly rapidly in a couple of areas, but he has to decide the timing, ... Today Show.

    revisionism of the most corrupt and shameless variety.

    I think Barack Obama is a one-term President.

    We're going to maintain our optimistic pro-growth pro-entrepreneur pro-jobs strategy in Washington, D.C.,

    What I know about her views is having worked alongside her for five years. I also know this is a woman who graduated from law school back in the late 60s, when it was difficult to break into the profession,

    He's a good man, a Marine, a patriot and he's taking a clear stand in an entirely legitimate discussion, ... my friend and former colleague.

    it is not at all clear that those explosives were even at the weapons facility when our troops arrived in the area of Baghdad. John Kerry doesn't mention that, nor does he mention the 400,000 tons of weapons and explosives that our troops have captured and are destroying.

    In the final analysis, the bottom line for everybody to remember here is this is not going to be, you know, an Iraqi version of America,

    What's happening in California today is they've taken the route of saying all we have to do is conserve, ... And today they've got rolling blackouts because they don't have enough electricity.

    I can think of a lot of words to describe Senator Kerry's position on Iraq; "consistent" is not one of them.

    but we're also going to want new talent. We're going to want to emphasize diversity. We're going to want a broad Cabinet.

    A precipitous withdrawal from Iraq would be a victory for the terrorists, an invitation to further violence against free nations and a terrible blow for the future security of the U.S.,

    The plan was criticized by some retired military officers embedded in TV studios. But with every advance by our coalition forces, the wisdom of that plan becomes more apparent.

    Every man and woman who fights and sacrifices in this war is serving a just and noble cause, ... This nation will always be grateful to them, and we will honor their sacrifice by completing our mission.

    I've been in the business for a long time and never seen a situation quite like this. We've had experiences where the president has been shot. We've never had a situation where the vice president shot somebody.

    A decision has to be made about whether or not we call for a vote, and that's something we will address.

    Had the decision belonged to Senator Kerry, Saddam hussein would still be in power today in Iraq. In fact, Saddam Hussein would almost certainly still be in control of Kuwait.

    Tom Daschle, unfortunately, has decided, I think in this case, to be more of an obstructionist, ... Philosophical differences are fine. What we're seeing, though, unfortunately, is that efforts are being made here to artificially erect barriers to Senate action.

    One might also argue that untruthful charges against the Commander-in-Chief have an insidious effect on the war effort itself. I'm unwilling to say that, only because I know the character of the United States Armed Forces -- men and women who are fighting the war on terror in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other fronts.

    The progress we've seen in Iraq has been superb and we can be confident going forward because the Iraqi people value their own liberty and are determined to choose their own destiny,

    It's vital to get a constitution in place.

    Direct threats require decisive action.

    A senator can be wrong for 20 years without consequence to the nation, ... But a president, a president, always casts the deciding vote. And in this time of challenge, America needs -- and America has -- a president we can count on to get it right.

    We really didn't know until Sunday morning that Harry was probably going to be OK, that it looked like there hadn't been any serious damage to any vital organ. And that's when we began the process of notifying the press.

    Joe Smith Man, he's gotta qualify as a certain American. Let's listen to his conversation with his wife.

    From kindergarten to graduation, I went to public schools, and I know that they are a key to being sure that every child has a chance to succeed and to rise in the world.

    The president has formulated a lot of his own views,' said an aide, 'and has a very firm idea of what he wants to do and accomplish with his foreign policy.

    I think we're going to get a good vote, a big turnout and we certainly hope and expect the constitution will be approved, ... It's vital to get a constitution in place and follow that with national elections in December.

    We are very concerned with the loss of life now on both sides. The level of violence appears to be escalating. That's clearly not in anybody's interest. We need to find some way to try to cap the violence and get some process started to rebuild confidence.

    Bill Clinton thinks that somehow the engine that drives the American economy is someplace in Washington, D.C., but it's actually out here in the real world, where I've been for the last eight years,

    one of the most capable and talented individuals I have ever known.

    The United States will do all it can to help end the tragic violence between the Palestinians and Israelis and return the parties to a productive negotiating process,

    There was never a plan, as far as I was aware of, for a joint press conference,

    Some claim we should not have acted because the threat from deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was not imminent, ... Terrorist enemies of our country hope to strike us with the most lethal weapons known to man, and it would be reckless in the extreme to rule out action and save our worries until the day they strike.

    Because we acted, Saddam Hussein will never again brutalize the Iraqi people, never again support terrorists or pursue weapons of mass destruction, and never again threaten the United States of America,

    I think Governor Bush was very effective at countering this notion that this tax plan is skewed to the rich.

    It's something you think about, but again, it's not so much a personal consideration at that point. It may have been for people who didn't have anything to do,

    A little tough talk in the midst of a campaign or as part of a presidential debate cannot obscure a record of 30 years of being on the wrong side of defense issues.

    I've been looking forward to coming here for a tour, ... I'm extremely impressed by what I saw this morning.

    I guess the thing I was struck by was the extent to which he had begun to grapple with these problems and to make decisions, that we were in a war on terror,

    They've got a whole complex of problems that are caused by relying only on conservation and not doing anything about the supply side of the equation,

    The entire world knows beyond dispute that Saddam Hussein holds weapons of mass destruction in large quantities and is seeking to acquire more,

    Today the former dictator sits in captivity he can no longer harbor and support terrorists, and his long efforts to acquire weapons of mass destruction are finally at an end.

    Nevada's Yucca Mountain is the furthest along and most advanced ... even there we're not to the point yet where we can make a final decision.

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