Tom Felton Quotes (51 Quotes)

    What a house. Turns out they're doing OK, the Malfoy's. However, the interior decorating leaves a lot to be desired. And needless to say, Voldemort isn't the greatest houseguest.

    I'm generally more and more in my comfort zone in the wild.

    And to me, fame is not a positive thing. The idea of being famous is a lot better than the reality. It's fantastic when you go to premieres and people cheer you, but it's not real. And it's totally not my approach to get my name on a club door just because I can.

    I really liked the snake that breaks out of the cage in the beginning of the movie. I saw it in real life, and it was really cool. Really big and fat. The owls are cool as well, but you can't really pet them.

    I'd have to just say that working with other people, it's a different world from school.

    You see another side of Draco when he's with his dad. When Draco is with his dad, he doesn't say anything. He keeps his mouth shut. He's sort of bullied by his dad, so he acts very different.

    Well, my closest friends are still the ones that I went to school with, but it's nice to go to work, at the studios, and have people there that you're willing to talk to and have a good conversation with.

    Everyone plays their own crucial part towards the film.

    You can finish school as soon as you finish the GCSE's.

    It's shocking to say, but the cinema is quite a while away from me, and I haven't got a car yet.

    It's somewhat new, something that's just getting out and about, hopefully it catches on, it would be really good.

    Biggest worry is trying to figure out why they are in the state they are in, if its not a trauma type situation like a car accident or something like that, if it's a medical you really feel behind behind the problem, but if you can have an idea what you are dealing with it puts us that much farther ahead in helping that patient out.

    Draco's not really a bully. He's not exactly the biggest, strongest guy in the world. He's more a rich, snobby person. He thinks of himself as really cool.

    My favorite holiday spot has to be New York, on the St. Lawrence River. Without a doubt that area there is perfect for me. Very, very spacious. It's nice.

    Yeah, we held a junior carp tournament on the St. Lawrence River in New York last August. I hosted that along with a couple of other people.

    We went with the St. Lawrence Experience, which is run by Joe Babbitt, who is a close friend now. We went out there for 10 days and we had the best week of our lives, and we've been going back since. We've been back three times now.

    If you're put on a set with a lot of people, it's just nice to see everyone working together.

    I like physics. I think it is the best science out of all three of them, because generally it's more useful. You learn about speed and velocity and time, and that's all clever stuff.

    I'd like to know about some of the things that they teach down there, like building a lake. If I ever wanted to build a lake, I'd like to know how to do it.

    I bought a lot of rubbish things that kids buy: skateboards and clothes and typical teenage stuff. And, as soon as I could, I wasted a lot of money on cars - BMW's mostly - for myself and my family.

    Also, I just think of Draco and he gets me in the right mood. He just keeps getting worse and worse.

    Nothing's really changed since the Harry Potter films came along.

    If a challenge arises that needs mathematics to solve it, I like to be able to know how to do it. I do find solving some things entertaining.

    The actual course is called fishery studies, and you study general aquatics and fishery management.

    My favorite country is America. I love going there! I go in the local lake near where I work on Sundays. It's called Berry Hill.

    Yes I still enjoy playing him. He's the best person to play isn't he?

    There are a couple of carp fishing books I've been reading. I'm very interested in that line of books, because I think they write very well, carp anglers, about the general environment.

    I went to see every angler on the bank to see how they were doing, to try to give them a few tips or whatever. But yeah, we had a lot of fun. It was definitely a good time and we're definitely going to do it again next year.

    I plan to go to college in Southampton, a fishery studies college. Again, my brother was down there about two years ago and he said it was great, so I'm looking forward to that.

    As soon as I get my car I think I'll be going to the cinema more. Since I don't go very often, there are no films that are a must see at the moment. I usually wait till they come out on DVD.

    It's definitely more fun playing a bad guy. It feels a lot better than playing one of the good guys.

    I like geography. I like to know where places are.

    I used to have some fish, some nice little carp, but they got too big for the tank. I don't have any pets now.

    This project is an exciting opportunity for us. Our ability to self perform much of the work is key to meeting this very challenging schedule.

    I like the dueling club scene, where Daniel and I fight with our wands. I thought it was a brilliant scene to shoot. I think the end product looked really good.

    I really tried out for the part of Harry Potter, but they ended up picking me for the part of the enemy of Harry. Actually it is really fun playing the bad kid because it just has so many interesting qualities to it. And Daniel Radcliffe and I get along really well off set so it's really fun filming.

    One thing that people keep on saying to me is that the wealth and the fame must have made up for missing out on my childhood. But the idea of money - putting a price on your childhood - is ridiculous. You will never get those years back and you can't put a price on them.

    I have been to New York before, but when I was quite young and filming my first ever commercial which we filmed in Time Square which was cool.

    I like to fish. Fishing is always a way of relaxing.

    I like me Italian girls; half Halle Berry, half Penelope Cruz sort of thing!

    People always tell me I'm nothing like my character. Well, hopefully not! He's a character who's very defined. He was purposefully written by Jo Rowling as very one-dimensional in the first few books, because you're supposed to hate him.

    The only time I can really relax is up a tree or somewhere outside. I love being outside.

    A nice pop star would do you nice on one of those deserted islands.

    No, I don't suppose I'm so much a collector sort of person.

    I'm obsessed with shopping. I'll get these urges to buy, like to shop for stuff on the Internet. I search for all kinds of weird gizmos I could get.

    I used to have all the Goosebumps books as a kid too.

    My mother is looking forward to it even more than me! I'll be showing her the bright lights of New York.

    I had been working for eight years and all I had to show for it was this horrible debt. At one point we had the bailiff at the door.

    It took us a lot of man hours to get that bloody white hair out, so it's good to get rid of it.

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